Wednesday, November 08, 2006

It's official (nearly)

The democrats have retaken both the senate and the house. I can't say that it is really a bad thing. I'm sure they will do things that I don't agree with, but of course so did the republican controlled congress. I was excited to see what was going to happen on election night and I wasn't disappointed.

I'm glad that my roommate of a few years ago got me interested in politics. I can't believe that I waited until I was 23 to get at least intellectually involved. There are so many things that I would like to do that I am really unable to now. I would love to help with the elections, but I can't really do that now that I am working full time. My roommate told me tonight that she thinks I should run for office someday. She thinks I would make a good politician. She said that if I was in a small town right now she has no doubt I would be involved in government somehow. I actually tend to agree. I grew up in a smallish town and can see that being the case. I attempted to get my mom to run for city council two years ago but didn't think it fit her. I guess I would consider getting involved more actively at some point; I just have no idea how that would happen at this stage. How does one just jump into politics? I also have my career to consider. I've spent somewhere in the vicinity of $250,000 on my undergrad and medical education so far. That isn't something you can just forget and start a political career.

I honestly have no idea why I'm even talking about this. Am I ever going to be actively involved in politics to the point that I would consider running for office? Probably not.

The incumbent governor in my state won reelection yesterday. This has me exceedingly happy. He started out pretty much as conservative as he possible, but has gradually moved toward the center. I think he is doing a great job and am looking forward to the next 4 years with him at the helm. Both the state senate and house are now democrat controlled. I don't think it will throw the state government into gridlock though. I think that both sides are now willing to work through the differences to make sure our state stays at the top where it has been for many years.

I'm not sure what is going to happen nationally, I think there is a lot of bitterness that needs to work itself out. I think that locally, things here will end up going extremely well.


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